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76 Books Every Man Should Read Before He Dies

Timeless reads that every guy should have on his shelf.

Dean founded The Adult Man in 2016 with the simple idea to help men navigate adulthood with more confidence via science and expert-backed content that entertains while it informs. Originally one of the site’s primary content writers, Dean’s day-to-day now lies in leading our talented team on that same collective mission. Read full bio.

Last Updated: Apr 4, 2024
30 min read


Remember those?

We know some of you guys still make the time to read them.

And that’s a really good thing.

Why Is Reading so Important?

Reading is an excellent hobby to have. It boosts your vocabulary, teaches you new things and, sometimes, makes you think about the world around you.

That’s especially true if you seek out well-written, thought-provoking books to lose yourself in. These are the types of books we’ll be talking you through in this list.

Every man should have a library of his own. Or, more realistically, a bookcase of his own. Hey, even a shelf will do.

Fill it with the right kind of books and you’re on your way to becoming a better man and a better person. As long as you, well, read them.

We’ve drawn up a comprehensive list of literary greatness we think you need to know about.

Some contain useful practical information, others explore themes that might encourage reflection on the world or even a little self-improvement. Several are simply downright entertaining.

76 Best Books for Men in 2024

Moby Dick

Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
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We start with a true classic.

Moby Dick is huge. Literally and figuratively. It’s a giant of literature.

Action-packed, exciting and beautifully written, it tells the story of Captain Ahab’s mission to kill the whale that crippled him.

It’s based on a true story and explores powerful themes like the futility of violence and revenge.


Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
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You’ll no doubt have heard of the phrase, ‘a Catch-22 situation’.

Well, it comes from this World War Two-set novel. It’s a clever satire that lampoons the idea of war through pointing out its fatal flaws.

The action follows a young soldier who is told that if he flies dangerous combat missions, he can be deemed ‘insane’ and be relieved of his duties as a soldier. But if he ever actually applies to be removed from that duty, he’ll be classed as sane and ineligible to be set home.

A real Catch-22.

The Sun Also Rises

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
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Read merely superficially, this is a tale of a guy and a few pals on a long vacation in Europe, getting drunk and having fun.

But read with a more critical eye, it looks at how effective running away from things can be when you’re attempting to patch yourself up from true emotional pain.


1984 by George Orwell
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More politically relevant than ever before, the fact that Orwell wrote this in the 1940’s might surprise you.

A cautionary tale that humanity is singularly failing to heed, it warns against totalitarianism and police states, while also reminding us all to be brave, stand up for what’s right and exercise critical and independent thinking.

The Gangs of New York

The Gangs of New York: An Informal History of the Underworld by Herbert Asbury
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This 400-page tome is hard going, but worth it.

The book dates from way back in 1927 and is probably best known for being the basis of a certain Martin Scorsese movie showcasing a riveting method performance by Daniel Day Lewis.

It’s a history of how New York City came to be and tells how it – like most of modern civilization – was shaped by pickpockets, prostitutes, pimps, thieves, thugs and murderers.

Few books for men are as a manly as this.

On the Road

On the Road by Jack Kerouac
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Some find this tale of a couple of beat poets on a road trip a little pretentious and boring.

Others claim it’s the ultimate story of what freedom should really mean to young people.

We really liked it, but we’ve got a thing for the era.

Bonfire of the Vanities

The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe
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Set in the greediest city during its greediest time (New York City in the 1980’s), this satirical tale flags up just how vile a person can be when they’re seduced by the powers of ambition, social ascension, political ambition and, of course, greed.

The Quick Start Guide to Improving Your Dating Life for Men

The Quick Start Guide to Improving Your Dating Life for Men

In this 114 page PDF eBook, you’ll get a quick start dive into the Alpha Mentality self-development system that author Joshua K. Sigafus developed to reclaim his life in the wake of a failed marriage, divorce, and subsequent total life reset. This book takes you through all 9 of the vital life domains and teaches you how to become a truly attractive alpha-mentality man in your own life.

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One of the most important skills that a man can learn in life is to level up his dating game. 

We all want to be attractive men—the types of men women chase, desire, and crave. Life is also undeniably better with an attractive lady (or two) on your arm.

And this book gives you a fast, efficient, and no-frills primer on exactly how to become the type of man who schedules more dates, wins with women, and lives the life of an attractive, successful, masculine man—the type of man women actually want to date.

The Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
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It has since become a bible for youngsters with teen angst, but The Catcher in the Rye was originally written for adults.

Its coming-of-age story has since been retold a million times by Hollywood, but its themes of alienation, isolation and how to connect with people and the world around us come through with unique clarity.


Oil! by Upton Sinclair
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It’s a hefty and intimidating read, but as the basis for the best film of the 21st Century, There Will Be Blood, it’s almost essential reading.

This is especially the case with how cleverly it attacks its targets of aggressive corporations and government corruption. Oil! is a page-turner.


Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse
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No, this isn’t a biography about the Canadian rock band behind the song Born To Be Wild.

Instead, it’s a tale of a man struggling to reconcile his two separate personalities – a mild-mannered man and wolf.

Plenty men out there will know how that feels, no doubt.

The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell
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When it comes to motivational books, there are plenty of listless and wishy-washy self-help books out there.

But for inspirational business and marketing advice, Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point is unparalleled.

It uses real life cases to show how huge businesses went from small to big with just a little smart thinking (and application).

Into the Wild

Into the Wild by Jon Kankauer
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Into the Wild is a non-fiction book which tells of the travel exploits of a man called Chris Candleless.

It starts as a tale of a free spirit heading out into the world to ‘find himself’ and ends as a warning about the dangers of a man taking his ambitions too far.

The Fountainhead

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
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This isn’t the easiest read and, admittedly, it doesn’t sound all that thrilling, either.

But political thinker Ayn Rand’s 1943 novel about an architect railing against convention poses some interesting questions about the idea that individualism is better than collectivism.

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey
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You’ve seen the classic Milos Forman movie starring Jack Nicholson.

Now read the (somehow) superior source material.

Set in a mental ward, it critiques the idea of collective and faceless punishment and discipline and might just challenge the way you think about a few things the state does.

The Lord of the Flies

The Lord of the Flies by William Golding
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Books for men don’t get a lot more classic than this.

A morality tale about what happens when you’re left to look after yourself in a harsh habitat, this is a book every man should read and learn from.

Scouting for Boys

Scouting for Boys: The Original 1908 Edition by Robert Baden-Powell
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You might not be a boy anymore, but there are more than enough excellent tips in this guidebook to make it earn its place on any list of top books for men.

Slaughterhouse Five

Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
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True, you don’t have to search far for classic books about war or even ones that criticise it.

But there aren’t many that do so while having their protagonist abducted by aliens.

Animal Farm

Animal Farm by George Orwell
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Literature at its finest. Simple, easy to follow, allegorical, seering.

This is just a tale about some farmyard animals. Except, of course, it isn’t.

It’s a thought-provoking political tale that might just challenge the way you think about how the world is governed.

How to Win Friends & Influence People

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
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Ask 10 different people to name an inspirational book they’ve read and Dale Carnegie’s ultra motivating bestseller, How to Win Friends and Influence People will get plenty of mentions.

And rightly so.

It might be a few decades old now, but its simple tips on how to present yourself to the best of your ability hold up, making it one of the ultimate self-help books for men.

Naked Lunch

Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs
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If you’ve seen David Cronenberg’s movie adaptation and think that’s nuts, then you ain’t seen nothing yet!

The book is ‘non linear’ and ‘surreal’, to put it mildly. But it’s a stone cold classic and an American literary great.

American Psycho

American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
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Like The Bonfire of the Vanities, the principal theme here in this staggeringly violent and imaginative tale is that greed and capitalism are not necessarily good things.

And nor is killing prostitutes.

A Farewell to Arms

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
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A second entry for Mr. Hemingway here.

Set during the Great War, casual readers might sense that this epic is a critique of war, but it’s not really.

Instead of merely condemning war, Hemingway treats it as a necessary evil and instead reflects on the nature and ramifications of courage and bravery in tough times.

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
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The importance of what we’re talking about here – literature – is the main theme in Fahrenheit 451.

The novel’s set in a dystopian future where books are routinely burned.

What’s Bradbury getting at? Keep reading, keep thinking, and don’t let The Man think for you, that’s what.

The Road

The Road by Cormac McCarthy
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The Road is one of those books that you can definitely still read after seeing the movie.

The imagery it will force you to paint in your mind will stay with you for days after you put it down.

And that ending, man.

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
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Everyone should read this, regardless of whether you’re young or old, male or female.

It’s a book for the ages. If not exactly a cheery one.

The Godfather

The Godfather by Mario Puzo
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You’ve seen the movie masterpieces, but have you read the book the trilogy is based on?

Spanning the events of The Godfather Parts I & II, Puzo’s tale of organized crime and family was just pulpy fun until Paramount took it on.

But on reflection? It’s a brutal breakdown of the importance of family.

Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
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This short novella of 1899 tells of a voyage up the Congo River and forms the basis for the classic Vietnam movie, Apocalypse Now.

Its moral lesson? The ‘savages’ of the book turn out to be no more savage than the ‘civilized’ Western types the book paints as its ‘heroes’.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick
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Another book which formed the basis for a movie you no doubt love. This 1968 effort inspired Blade Runner.

On the surface, it appears to be about the threat of nuclear war and what’s real and what’s fake. But deep down it’s a story of why it’s important to never lose your empathy.

It’s also a damn fine science fiction book.

The Kama Sutra

The Kamasutra: By Vatsyayana
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Do we really need to tell you why owning and reading this book might improve your life a little bit?

Nope. Thought not.

The Bell Jar

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
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It’s not quite Pride and Prejudice or Little Women, but The Bell Jar is about as ‘girly’ as books get.

And although on the surface, it might look out of place on a list of good books for guys, it’s still a vital tale of the effects of mental illness.

The Lost City of Z

The Lost City of Z by David Grann
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An awe-inspiring piece of non-fiction, The Lost City of Z tells of one man’s unending obsession to discover an as-yet undiscovered Amazonian tribe.

It charts the exact moment where a man’s drive and ambition can turn sour.

War and Peace

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
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How should we live?

Often cited as one of the greatest novels ever written, every man should at least try to read War and Peace at some point in their lives.

Not all will manage to defeat it, but you’ve got to give it a whirl.

The Oxford English Dictionary

Oxford English Dictionary
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We’re sure you’ve got a superlative vocabulary and a nonpareil comprehension of the English language. But it always pays to know more.

Knowledge is power, after all. But remember, we don’t want you to show off with fancy words and pretend to be someone you’re not.

The purpose is to occasionally brush up on your understanding of the tools that allow you to communicate.


McMafia by Misha Glenny
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We may all think we know how the world works, but we only really understand it on a superficial level.

The strings are pulled by corporations and organized crime bosses. McMafia is pretty involved and not the easiest read, but with a sub-title like ‘A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld’, you understand its scope.

A necessary read.


Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
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Widely touted as the first piece of science fiction ever written, this book has gone on to inspire a thousand authors and a million filmmakers.

It’s not just a dark story of a crazed scientist creating a zombie, though. It explores themes of ego and pride, which are two things we men need to keep in check from time to time.

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Surely an inspiration for Bret Easton Elis’ American Psycho, this 1920’s-set novel paints a picture of the decline of a ‘dream’ decade and warns against the excesses of arrogance and the worthless pursuit of hedonistic pleasure.

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany by William L Shirer
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The rise (and fall) of the Nazis is something every man should understand, if only on a basic level.

There are lessons to be learned from any tragedy. And Shirer’s book details what happened in World War Two in tremendous detail.

The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
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One of the all-time great American novels, we follow the Joad family as they trek to California to find their fortune.

But, of course, it doesn’t run smoothly and they, like so many others, hit hard times indeed. The gap between the rich and poor is beautifully rendered on the page here.

Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
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Another stone cold classic book you must read from the pen of John Steinbeck is Of Mice and Men.

You might have read it at school, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth another run now that you’re older. Be warned, though – it’s a pretty bleak picture of social isolation and loneliness you’re left with.

Be warned, though – it leaves you with quite a bleak picture of social isolation and loneliness.

The Bible

Plenty of people follow The Bible as a religious text. It is one, after all. Christians, quite literally, take it as gospel.

But even atheists and agnostics should read the world’s biggest-selling book. For two reasons. Firstly, half the world follows The Bible. It can be helpful to understand it more intimately when on a day to day basis you’re pretty likely to be engaging with people who are intimately familiar with it.

And the second reason you should read it is that it’s a series of thought-provoking moral allegories that provides you with insight into the thought patterns of our ancient ancestors.

The Prince

The Prince by Machiavelli
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Apart from The Bible, this may be one of the oldest books on this list. But Niccolo Machiavelli’s guide to achieving and maintaining power is a seminal work.

Read it as a chilling damnation on the headiness of power. Or as a ‘how to’ guide if you’re interested in attaining and asserting a little influence yourself.

Rat Pack Confidential

Rat Pack Confidentia by Shawn Levy
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Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr.

Three of the coolest guys the world of show-business has ever produced.

They spent the ’50s, 60’s and 70’s drinking, singing and being adored. Want to learn what true style is? Read this.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
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If you can get past the frequent N-Word usage, this adventure story is actually quite a charming story of friendship.

Also, despite its seemingly dubious language, it’s a bit of an attack on racism and the ridiculous idea of slavery.

Don Quixote

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
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The eponymous hero of this story, along with his sidekick Sancho Panza, is obsessed with finding dangerous situations in which the pair of them can be heroic.

They long to be recognized as knights, but at what cost? We’re sure you can all relate, right?

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
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Inspirational books for men don’t get much more inspirational and motivational than this.

A best-seller now for thirty years, not only does 7 Habits… encourage you to up your game and achieve, it actually demonstrates how you should go about it.

Highly recommended.

The Fight

The Fight by Norman Mailer
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Muhammad Ali and George Foreman’s epic fight in Kinshasa, Zaire, back in 1974, was known as the ‘Rumble in the Jungle’.

Four plus decades on and it remains the most famous boxing match in history. This account is essential reading for any man who likes sport, modern history, and/or the power of man’s will.

Les Miserables

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
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Lists of top books for men won’t often include works of literature more commonly thought of as musicals you’d take your mom to.

But Les Miserable is different. Sure, it’s now a musical you’d take your mom to. But it’s also one of the greatest books ever written.

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray
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This book is hardly new and many people have since decried it, but many of the principles it espouses about the differences between the genders, including our respective strengths, weaknesses and characteristics, are accurate.

Plenty can be learned from it. Just hide it from your girl.


Watchmen by Alan Moore
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This graphic book may, to the untrained eye, look like nothing more than a hefty comic book.

But its dark, philosophical nature belies its format. It’s been described by one literary critic as “The moment comic books grew up.”

Blood Meridian

Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
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Another bleak entry from the legendary Cormac McCarthy.

This time, it’s a sweeping and violent novel set in the Wild West that paints a depressing picture of the brutal and often animalistic nature of mankind.

A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
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Here’s another novel that’s been adapted into a classic movie you’ve probably seen.

But it’s a great read too. It’ll make you think about our fates. Are they predetermined? Do we determine them?

Or do we end up where we do because of external factors and people manipulating us?

Long Walk To Freedom

Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
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If you’re looking for an inspirational read, then why not just head for the autobiography of one of the most inspirational men to have ever lived?

There’s very little chance that Nelson Mandela’s account of his incredible life won’t touch you or, hopefully, motivate you. Anything is possible, you quickly learn.

A Picture of Dorian Grey

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
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Anyone who fears the aging process can take a few pointers from this inspired work of greatness.

Oscar Wilde’s book isn’t the longest, either. And, as you might expect, it’s packed full of wit.

Read it and then reflect on how important those grey hairs really are.

To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
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Similar to Of Mice and Men, you might well already be familiar with this text from your school days.

This study of how dangerous inherent and unchecked racism can be is an important lesson for men and boys alike. It’s worthy of repeat reading.

The Art of War

The Art Of War by Sun Tzu
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Now, you might wonder why we’d recommend a 6th Century book all about the strategy of warfare in a list of the top books for men.

But bear with us on this. Its principles are still practised by politicians and business leaders today.

If you identify with (and perhaps even employ) some of these techniques, it could influence the direction of your life.

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
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A Founding Father and polymath, it’s not surprising that Benjamin Franklin lived an interesting life.

When you’re an author, politician, postmaster, political theorist, scientist, activist, inventor, statesman and diplomat, you might just have a story to tell or a lesson to share.

It’s a highly engaging autobiography documenting the birth of the American dream from Franklin’s iconic’s perspective. Give it a go.

The Postman Always Rings Twice

The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain
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This crime novel might be from 1934 and have a disappointing lack of postmen in it, but it’s got plenty of lurid sex and violence.

It may be 83 years old, but it still holds up today and serves as a reminder that steadfastly following your baser desires can be a one-way ticket to self-destruction.

The Art Of Deception

The Art of Deception by Kevin Mitnick
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Mitnick’s ‘The Art of Deception’ is a series of real stories that all help throw some light on the dangers of social engineering in the modern world.

We’ve included this as required reading for any man intrigued by the murky worlds of computer hacking and security.

The Call of the Wild

The Call of the Wild by Jack London
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One of the archetypal books for men, Jack London’s classic tells the story of a dog named Buck and his ‘call of the wild’.

A domesticated pet, the book follows Buck as he effectively ‘breaks bad’. That’s right, it’s basically the Walter White story. But written in 1903. And with wolves.

Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite

Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite by Paul Arden
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Sometimes it pays to go along with people and not cause waves. Sometimes it pays to go with your gut and trust your instincts.

But other times it pays to challenge everything you think you think and completely re-evaluate the world.

That last idea is the basis of one of the best and most truly useful self-help books for men out there.

Hell’s Angels

Hell's Angels by Hunter S. Thompson
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Hunter S. Thompson is credited with the invention of the Gonzo literary movement, and while he may be overrated and a proven liar, there’s no denying that the man could write.

But forget his dalliance with politics or the mescaline-fuelled ramblings of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Seek out his portrait of the Hell’s Angels. It’s so much more fun.


Deliverance by James Dickey
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An infamous book that was turned into an even more infamous movie, this is one powerful work of literature.

And there’s more to it than the scene where a man’s made to ‘squeal like a piggy’ too.

It’s a stark reminder of how close most men are from being animals when the stars align in a certain way.

Killing Pablo

Killing Pablo by Mark Bowden
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If you think you know the full story of Pablo Escobar and his huge Medellin drugs cartel of the 1980s from Netflix’s ‘Narcos’ and few online articles, think again.

The full story of the world’s most infamous criminal is laid out in complete rampaging glory in Bowden’s page-turner, and it’s absolutely riveting.

True History of the Kelly Gang

True History of the Kelly Gang by Peter Carey
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This sweeping tale of Ned Kelly and his men, Australia’s most famous outlaws, might appear to just tell the story of some criminals.

But it also charts the country’s history and it’s all done in a very clever ‘fictional’ style.

It’s a great read, especially if you’re a guy who’s into history. Or homemade metal suits.


Dispatches by Michael Herr
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‘Dispatches’ is an account of Herr’s experiences in Vietnam working as a war correspondent for Esquire magazine.

As one of the first books to offer a no-holds-barred insight into the horrors of the Vietnam war, there are plenty of lessons to be learned here about the brutality of armed combat.

How to Think Like a Neanderthal

How To Think Like a Neandertal
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We might dismiss Neanderthals as a gang of knuckle-dragging caveman with monobrows, but this book shows us how they were smarter than we might think, and as you’ll find out, not all that dissimilar to modern man.

The Shining

The Shining by Stephen King
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We’ve featured quite a few books for men on this list which were later adapted into classic movies.

But for us, the best book/film combo has to be Stephen King and Stanley Kubrick’s Shining double.

Noticeably different from the big screen version, the book is no less creepy or thought-provoking. It’s well worth a read.

The Doors of Perception of Heaven and Hell

The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley
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Like many classic works of literature, this essay can be read one of two ways. To some, it’s a bible, almost.

Proof that the use of mind-altering hallucinogens like LSD can expand human consciousness and ‘open the doors of perception’.

To others, it’s proof of their danger and inherent risk.

Hippy breakthrough or misguided idiocy? The debate rages on.

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne
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Life can seem constrictive at times.

Financial responsibilities, bosses, rules, they can tend to make you feel boxed in.

But this book asks you to re-frame your life to make the choice to be free. With the right mindset, it’s possible.

100 Deadly Skills

100 Deadly Skills by Clint Emerson
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Who better to teach you how to survive in the wilderness that a retired Navy SEAL Clint Emerson? Well, quite frankly, there’s no one.

And boy does the dude know some skills. 100 of them, in fact.

From how to evade capture by the enemy to how to kill your dinner, read this and you’ll instantly become twice the man you currently are.

Last Call: The Rise & Fall of Prohibition

Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition by Daniel Okrent
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This meticulously-told story of how and why America briefly went mad and barred alcohol and how organized crime grew from the ashes is a fascinating read.

And enough to make you really appreciate that bottle of beer in your hand.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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A flawed man but an almost flawless entrepreneur and businessman, there haven’t been too many figures as driven and smart as Apple boss Steve Jobs.

He wasn’t even all that technical, yet he achieved what he did through his near unrivalled understanding of people and marketing.

This book charts his life through almost forty interviews. A fascinating study of ambition and success.

Beneficial reading for any man.

A Mind of Its Own

A Mind of Its Own: A Cultural History of the Penis by David M. Friedman
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Hey, we’ve all got one, haven’t we? We might as well get to know the guy.

Friedman’s dedication to his research comes across right away here. You’ll pick up a host of new facts about sociology and philosophy, and his unique style of humor will have you chuckling throughout.

Mate: Become the Man Women Want

Mate: Become the Man Women Want by Tucker Max
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This is THE book we wish we had as a teenager.

Max’s straight shooting comedic style blends perfectly with Miller’s scientific insight to provide an engaging yet informative guide to not just dating, but to becoming a better man.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley
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Malcolm said it best when he said: “People don’t realize how a man’s whole life can be changed by one book.”

We’ll leave it at that.

Bonus: 11 Best Books for Men Under 30

I spent so much of my 20’s with my nose in the books, but these are the titles that really stuck with me through the decade.

The books are broken up into three categories:

1. Life Goals
2. What’s the World All About (Science and Psychology)
3. Fiction

And don’t miss the bonus book!

Here are all the books mentioned in the video:

How to Read More Books Every Month

I added this section recently as I implemented a hack that has helped me read about three times as many books each month.

The secret?


It seems obvious, but if you choose to listen to an audiobook rather than whatever you usually listen to when you’re driving, at the gym, doing the dishes, or any other mundane activity, you’re going to rocket through a bunch more books each year.

That’s what I’ve been doing and it’s been huge with helping me get through my reading list quicker.

I use Audible but you can use any audiobook provider you wish.

Get your free 30-day trial to give it a go for yourself:

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The Final Chapter

Well, even if you’re a bookworm at TV-boycotting level, we trust that you’ve found a new read here.

Is there a book that you feel deserves to make the list? Chat with us in the comments, we’d love to hear about it. We’ll be updating this list regularly and so your suggestion may make the next cut.

Now, get out there and hit that bookstore.

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  1. Travis B Donnelly

    Suggestions for your list: 1) The Magic of Believing (1948) by Claude Bristol. A book written for veterans coming back home from WW2 to start a new life. Shows how use the “power of belief” to set, focus on, and accomplish any goal. 2) How to Read a Book (late 40’s) by Mortimer Adler and Mark van Doren. Show how to read various types of material (science, literature, philosophy, etc.) and includes a list of books to make the reader expand his/her understanding and to grow in his/her ability to read & comprehend more effectively.

  2. Sailing Alone Around the World – Joshua Slocum

  3. I would add “Thinking fast and slow“ by Daniel Kahnemann, “The Trial“ by Kafka, Goethe’s “Faust“ and Jules Vernes “Twenty thousand leagues under the sea“ . I could go on and easily add like 25 books, but those four are outstanding.