I don’t mean to scare you, but you’re not getting any younger.
*Cue horror music*
That said, we’ve all seen that guy who’s fifty, but he really looks thirty.
In the interest of staying forever young (just in your looks, not in your wisdom), we’ve put together a basic care guide for your skin.
Sure, there are a ton of different creams and salves you can use, but we’ve broken the skin-care process down into its simplest elements.
Here’s what you need, and what you need to know if you want to take care of your skin.
The Secret to Better Skin
I used to work with an older gentleman—at the time I was twenty and so naïve about the workings of the world.
His face looked amazing. He hardly had any wrinkles, and I noticed even as an older guy, he was getting a lot of attention from the ladies who came by the workplace.
Now, it’s not a common question amongst dudes, but I had to know:
“Do you do something to your face?”
He must have gotten asked about his facial-care routine often because he knew what I was getting at.
“It’s simple. I do three things. And I do them every day.”
What was the secret?

Face wash, face moisturizer, and sunscreen.
Every day.
He said he’s been doing it since he was thirty, but other than that, he didn’t have any secret oil or treatment he did. I don’t think he smoked, and he looked like a fit gent, so I assume his diet was good.
But really, other than living a moderately healthy lifestyle, his secret was consistency.
I’ll admit, even though I’ve known this secret for about ten years, I haven’t started putting it into practice until the last two or three years. Only when I noticed small wrinkles and skin-changes when turning 28 and 29.
And while face-skin care isn’t really a skill we’re taught (unlike shaving, which many dads teach their kids when they’re old enough), it’s simple.
Here’s what I use.
Every Day Face Care

I use Fabric Skincare’s face wash and moisturizer in the evening before going to bed. There are a few reasons I choose Fabric, but the main reason is their ingredients.
Our go-to face wash & moisturizer combo. No synthetic fragrances or toxic chemicals? Check. Smells great? Check. Available in a subscription so you'll never run out? Checkmate.
Unlike many face washes and lotions out there, Fabric doesn’t have any synthetic fragrances or toxic chemicals in it.
Obviously, we don’t want toxic chemicals on our face, but what’s the harm in a synthetic fragrance or two?
Oh, you know, just low testosterone and deformed, sluggish sperm.
I once discussed this with a former coworker and he said he wasn’t having a kid anytime soon, so he wasn’t too worried about destroying his reproductive system. At that point, I encouraged him to continue using the same products.
But for you guys—I like you. And I think you deserve better.
Make sure your soaps, shampoos, face washes, moisturizes, deodorants—anything you put on your skin—is paraben and petrochemical free.
These chemicals will absorb into your skin and disrupt your endocrine system. This isn’t the place to go into all the functions of your endocrine, but here are a few of my favorites: metabolism control, sexual function, and sleep regulation.
If you’re anything like me, you’re willing to put in the effort to find a great product, but you only want to put that effort in once.
That’s why I like Fabric Skincare.
It works well and you can subscribe so you never have to do that thing where you squeeze the bottle for five minutes to get the last drop. More shows up at your front-door whenever you need it.
And they’ll send you a sample package for free so you can try it for yourself.
Face Wash and Moisturizer
Both the Fabric Skincare face wash and moisturizer have three outstanding active ingredients: Centella Asiatica (or Tiger Grass), Jojoba oil, and sage.
I wrote about how Centella Asiatica is blowing up the US face-care market after so many Korean beauty brands started using it.
Honestly, Koreans are so good at taking care of their faces, I don’t need any science to convince me. But if you do, here’s a little background on what Centella Asiatica can do for you.
It’s biggest benefit is its ability to reverse sun damage. Tiger Grass heals your skin because it’s a powerful antioxidant and amino acid powerhouse. Beyond that, it hydrates and soothes skin at the same time.
Fabric’s face wash and moisturizer also have Jojoba oil, which helps moisturize and even your skin-tone. And the last of the big-three ingredients is sage, which has been used for years as an anti-aging trick because of it’s calcium and vitamin A loads.
Our go-to face wash & moisturizer combo. No synthetic fragrances or toxic chemicals? Check. Smells great? Check. Available in a subscription so you'll never run out? Checkmate.
How to Wash and Moisturize Your Face
Using your face wash and moisturizer is simple—I use them both at night before I go to bed, and just use the moisturizer in the morning.
And while you can use your face wash with your hand, I enjoy using a silicone brush. I find it lathers well and also has a mild exfoliating effect that helps with the flakiness I experience around my nose.
There’s no need to get your face wet before. Just put a dime-sized drop on your fingertips or brush and lather into your face and neck. Rinse with lukewarm water.

After you’ve dried your face, apply the moisturizer. Just use your fingertips so you’re not wasting a ton of product in your palm. And be careful not to pull your skin too much. You don’t have to massage the moisturizer into your skin—just padding it on with your fingertips is plenty. Otherwise, you may pull the skin too much which can cause wrinkles.
How to Avoid Shaving Bumps

While this isn’t a guide on how to wet-shave, there are a few basics that will help you preserve your skin and avoid red, irritated bumps.
Here’s our four-step process:
1. Hot Water
Get some hot water flowing through the tap and use one hand to pat it around your jaw and neck. I always shave before I shower, though I know many guys who prefer to shave after the shower. If you’re shaving after the shower, you can skip this step. It’s really just to soften up the stubble.
2. Pre-Shave Oil
Pre-shave oil is a total game changer. It adds a layer of protection to your skin and I haven’t had shaving bumps once since I used it.
Art of Shaving produces a good product, and I like how the sandalwood fragrance blends with my Fabric Skincare routine.
Just pour a dime-sized drop of oil onto your fingers and massage around your neck and jaw.
Never tried pre-shave oil before? This sandalwood scented oil helps keep your face hydrated as you apply shaving cream, which drastically reduces the amount of razor burn and bumps.
3. Shaving Cream

I’m a badger-hair brush kind of guy.
I love the feeling—much better than squirting something out of a can like it’s that crazy cheese stuff.
Again, I use Fabric here because I can add it to my face wash and moisturizer subscription and I don’t have to think about restocking. Plus, it smells the same, and I like keeping my fragrances as uniform as possible.
4. After Shave Balm

Whenever I shave, I use an after shave balm to calm and soothe my jaw and neck. Wait a few minutes after applying the balm to moisturize. You can still put moisturizer around your jaw and neck, but give the balm some time to set in.
If you’re like me and you shave before a shower, wait until after your shower to apply the balm.
The Benefits of Sunscreen (You Need It, Now)
Sunscreen is proven to help prevent wrinkles and sunspots. Yes, wrinkles are a natural part of aging. But photoaging (caused by the sun) is a whole different beast.
Really, there’s a simple solution to fighting it. You can wear a hat, or keep most of your skin covered, but that’s not always the most stylish option. We at The Adult Man love the most stylish option.
Currently, I use Art of Sport 50 SPF sunscreen. It’s non-greasy and doesn’t have a funky smell to it. Plus, it holds up well against sweat if I’m going for a run.
Don’t Wait, Your Face Deserves Better
It may seem simple. And that’s because it is.
Taking care of your face doesn’t need to be a complicated process. Really, it’s all about consistency.
And the process is even simpler if you use products like Fabric—the subscription element is key. Anything where you can “set it and forget it” is a winner in my book.
So if you want amazing skin like that strapping young 50-year-old guy I used to work with, consider picking up a wash, moisturizer, and sunscreen. The combo will keep you looking fresh and young for years.
Trust me, I’ve seen it myself.
Our go-to face wash & moisturizer combo. No synthetic fragrances or toxic chemicals? Check. Smells great? Check. Available in a subscription so you'll never run out? Checkmate.